RJ Hill
Engineer of Things
- Langs: JavaScript, Java 😅
- Infra: Terraform, Cloudformation, CDK
- Data : PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLServer, DynamoDB, Redis
- Cloud: AWS (mostly), a bit of Google Cloud, and a sprinkle of Azure
- Tools: Docker (deployment, development, etc.), Git, DataGrip, Jira, Linear, blah blah blah
Recent Stuff I've Done
Application Infrastructure
- Carshop Online
- Chipper Cash Mobile App
- Home Depot Supply Chain Apps (Internal)
- Vulcan On-Prem to Cloud Incubator
- Anthem Mainframe Cloud Migration
Data Migrations
- Chipper Cash Heroku => AWS Aurora
- Home Depot Teradata => BigQuery
- IHG Google Cloud Spanner => AWS Aurora